Alice in Wonderland
Oct 21, 2017 - Apr 02, 2018
OÖ Kulturquartier
OK-Platz 1
4020 Linz, Austria
For more than 150 years the adventures of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland have moved not only the imagination of children, but are also inspiration for art, mathematics, physics and, of course films.
As if in a dream Alice falls from one queer scene into another, and despite of the confusion and the nonsense she tries not to loose the thread. The roles are exchanged: In the story, Alice suddenly finds herself in the position of the adult and the rational. She grows, shrinks and jumps from one level of meaning to another, she finds herself in a world where everything is possible. A proper portion of curiosity is her great driving force. But also thanks to her tremendous self-confidence, she does not stop in spite of occasional fear.
The exhibition area of the OÖ Kulturquartier with the OK in its great variety and complex architecture is an ideal backdrop for such a wonder world. Focusing on key elements of Lewis Carroll's classic, such as the dream, nonsense, the queer, time, order and chaos, but also play, the exhibition tells a wondrous narration with performative elements throughout the exhibition spaces.