Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound

SASSAS) Announces
Bootleg LP Art Auction Pop Up Preview & Artist Reception
Hosted by 1301PE
Featuring an auction of work by more than 60 artists
including Sam Durant, Jim Isermann, Alice Könitz, and Pae White
Preview: May 27 - 30; Reception Thursday, May 28 from 6-9 PM
Bidding concludes at Blast! [12] Garden Party and Fundraiser
LOS ANGELES, CA (May 5, 2015) – The Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound (SASSAS) is thrilled to announce a Bootleg LP Art Auction Pop Up Preview of the Blast! [12]  silent auction on May 27 - May 30 with an Artist Reception on Thursday, May 28 from 6-9PM at 1301PE. Bidding concludes at Blast! [12], the SASSAS annual garden party and fundraiser on Sunday, May 31, 2015 from 4 to 8 p.m.
With a Battle of the DJs, food, beverages, and a Bootleg LP Art Auction, Blast! [12 ] takes place at the private residence of the Hillenburg Family in San Marino, CA and supports SASSAS’s experimental art and sound programming.
The Blast! [12] silent auction showcases original “Bootleg LP” artworks inspired by record album covers, and features more than sixty artists including: Julie Adler, Tom Allen, Kevin Appel, Skot Armstrong, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Judie Bamber, Miyoshi Barosh, John Bauer, Scott Benzel, Leonardo Bravo, Anita Bunn, Carolyn Castaño, Jeff Colson, Aaron Curry, Sam Durant, Brad Eberhard, Elif Erkan, Morgan Fisher, Sarajo Frieden, Francesca Gabbiani, Liam Gillick, Phyllis Green, Mark Hagen, Stephen Hillenburg, Margaret Honda, Violet Hopkins, Steven Hull, Jim Isermann, Farrah Karapetian, Alice Könitz, Norm Laich, Richard Laudenbach, Joseph Lee, T. Kelly Mason, John Miller, Yunhee Min, Aaron Morse, Fredrik Nilsen, Stanislav Orlovski, Joel Otterson, Gary Panter, Anthony Pearson, Joe Potts, Rick Potts, Stephen Prina, Tom Recchion, Lynn Robb, Steve Roden, Eddie Ruscha, Amy Sarkisian, Alex Slade, Leroy Stevens, April Street, Ricky Swallow, Mungo Thomson, Devon Tsuno, Dani Tull, Michael Uhlenkott, Tam Van Tran, Pae White, Chris Wilder, Julie Wilson, B. Wurtz, Jason Yates, Liz Young
The auction artwork will be on display to the public at 1301PE located at 6150 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048 from May 27-30, with an artist’s reception on Thursday May 28 from 6 to 9 p.m. Pre-bidding via the SASSAS website starts May 19 and the auction culminates at Blast! on Sunday May 31. For the first time ever, bidders will be able to access the auction online at and continue bidding until the final gavel at 7pm on May 31.
Blast! [12] features a “Battle of the DJs”, twelve DJs in a raucous mash-up of musical styles, with sets by Mitchell Brown (KXLU, Dublab), Tom Chasteen (Dub Club), Money Mark (Beastie Boys), Dave Muller (Three Day Weekend), Tom Recchion (LAFMS), Eddie Ruscha (Dub Club), Brian Simon (Dublab, Anenon), Gabie Strong (KCHUNG) and more. The MC will be actor, director Tom Stern (Freaked, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The Man Show). This year’s party also celebrates the launch and forthcoming first release of SASSAS Records, a limited edition quarterly vinyl subscription.
General Admission Tickets for Blast! [12] are $50; tickets for children under 14 are $10. For SASSAS Members, tickets are $40 and $5 for children under 14. A limited number of $30 student tickets are also available. Admission includes food, drinks, great sounds, and good times. Each ticket purchased will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win one of four pairs of tickets to attend a SASSAS Listening Party, or a one year subscription to Volume 1 of SASSAS Records. Blast! [12] tickets and SASSAS Memberships can be purchased at The event address will be provided upon ticket purchase.
All proceeds, including the art auction, benefit SASSAS's extensive programming, including its sound. concert series. For more information on upcoming SASSAS events, please call 323-960-5723 or visit

Blast! [12] Auction Committee:
Cindy Bernard, Gabriel Cifarelli, Carole Ann Klonarides, Katherine Niemela,
Fredrik Nilsen, Christina Ondrus, Renée Petropoulos
Blast! [12] Performance Committee:
Daniel Corral, Danny Gromfin, Greg Lenczycki, Tom Recchion, Joe Potts
The Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound (SASSAS) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that serves as a catalyst for the creation, presentation and recognition of experimental art and sound practices in the Greater Los Angeles area. Inspired by the resonance that occurs when experimental music is combined with unconventional performance environments, SASSAS seeks to foster new collaborations and improvisation to spark further exploration in the field. Programs include: sound. (annual concert series); soundShoppe (monthly workshop for experimental musicians); Ad Hoc (a project supporting touring musicians seeking to perform in Los Angeles), soundSpark (monthly children's concert series), Kids Play. . . (workshop series introducing young adults to experimental musicians and composers), soundNet recordings (CD compilations drawn from sound. concerts), SASSAS Records (limited edition quarterly vinyl LP releases with signed/editioned covers by artists), and our free online SASSAS Archive.
SASSAS is supported in part through grants from the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, the City of West Hollywood Arts Commission, Good Works Foundation, Metabolic Studio, The Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts, and the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.

art Magazin: Ana Prvacki

Aktuell überschätzt: Das Original! In L. A. verkauft die Künstlerin Ana Prvački für viel Geld die Schattenwürfe berühmter Kunstwerke – thanks to Marcel Duchamp

Dass auf unserer Gegenwart der lange Schatten der Vergangenheit ruht, ist eine häufig bemühte Metapher, die man eigentlich nicht mehr hören mag. Nur in der Kunst, wo gern alte Ideen re­cycelt werden, lässt sich so eine abgegriffene Erkenntnis noch in Gold verwandeln. Ana Prvački jedenfalls hat das mit dem Schatten wörtlich genommen und stellt in der 1301pe-Galerie in Los Angeles die Schattenwürfe berühmter Skulpturen aus: Michelangelos David, den Schreitenden von Alberto Giacometti, Constan­tin Brâncusis Endlose Säule und natürlich auch Marcel Duchamps Fahrrad­Rad. Nicht die Skulpturen selbst, wohlgemerkt, sondern nur die Silhouetten, die sie auf dem Boden oder an der Wand hinterlassen. Die 1976 im ehemaligen Jugoslawien geborene Künstlerin nennt ihre neue Werkserie Stealing Shadows und bedient sich dabei natürlich ganz bewusst einem der größten Erfolgsmodelle der Moderne: dem Prinzip des Readymade (siehe auch Seite 34) und dessen Wiedergänger Appropriation Art. Größe und Material der Schattenwürfe sind variabel – auf Wunsch können sie auf den Boden aufgemalt oder als ausgeschnittener Filzbelag erworben werden. Der Preis der »gestohlenen Schatten« ist hingegen nicht verhandelbar. Er bemisst sich am Wert des Originalwerks und soll exakt ein Prozent des Preises sein, den die jeweilige Skulptur auf einer Auktion erzielt hat, so hat es die Künstlerin verfügt. Der Schatten von Louise Bourgeois’ Bronzespinne beispielsweise ist mit 281 650 US­Dollar ausgezeichnet, weil eben dieses Werk letztes Jahr bei christie’s für das Hundertfache versteigert wurde. Stolzer Preis für den Umriss eines Kunstwerks, den man mit Taschenlampe und Photoshop auch selber herstellen könnte. Aber wer so denkt, hat eben Marcel Duchamp nicht verstanden. Nicht das Werk zählt, sondern die Idee, lautet das Mantra der Moderne. So gesehen liegt Prvačkis konzeptuelle Schattenkunst ganz weit vorn. Denn wer will sich in unsicheren Zeiten noch mit zentnerschweren Skulpturen belasten? Oder wie die Künstlerin sagt: »Auch wenn es eine sehr einfache Idee ist, ist sie doch sehr wertvoll. Dünnere Dinge zu machen sollte sogar mehr Wert haben als große Dinge.«

- Ute Thon



Independent: Ana Prvacki: US artist pays homage to greats by creating shadows of their work

Ana Prvacki is living in the shade of other, more famous artists. But if the price of the works she is displaying in a Los Angeles gallery are any guide, there is good money to be made in the shadows. 


The 39-year-old has taken homage to a new level by exhibiting works based on the shadows cast by a series of well-known sculptures. Visitors to the 1301PE gallery can play a game of "name that shadow" with Jeff Koons's Rabbit, Marcel Duchamp's Bicycle Wheel and Michelangelo's David creating some of the most familiar outlines.


Each of the new works costs only one per cent of the original sculpture's current market price, but it's a formula that makes for some eye-watering prices. 

Click here for full text.

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