Rirkrit Tiravanija | ArtNews
Installation view of "Rirkrit Tiravanija, Tomorrow Is the Question," 2019, at Remai Modern, Saskatoon, Canada.Courtesy Remai Modern/Photo Blaine Campbell
By Alex Greenberger
Rirkrit Tiravanija, the Thai artist behind famed interactive pieces that have enlisted materials as diverse as soup and social interactions, will have his first United States museum survey this fall at MoMA PS1 in New York, which is billing the show as his largest to date.
Curated by Ruba Katrib and Yasmil Raymond, working in collaboration with Jody Graf and Kari Rittenbach, the show is set to be one of the biggest exhibitions PS1 has devoted to a single artist in the past few years, with more than 100 works in multiple mediums. It will open October 12 and run through March 2024.